Tipping Etiquette in Agadir: A Comprehensive Guide

When travelling to a new country, understanding the local customs and etiquette can greatly enhance your experience. One such custom that often varies from place to place is tipping. In this guide, we will delve into the tipping etiquette in Agadir, a beautiful city on Morocco's southern Atlantic coastline.

Whether you're dining at a local restaurant, taking a taxi ride, or enjoying a guided tour, knowing when and how much to tip can save you from awkward situations and help you show appreciation for good service. So, let's get started on understanding the tipping culture in Agadir, Morocco.

Table of Contents

Tipping in Restaurants

When dining out in Agadir, it's customary to leave a tip for good service. The amount you choose to tip can depend on the type of restaurant and the quality of service received. For a casual dining experience, a tip of around 10% of the bill is considered appropriate. However, in more upscale establishments, a tip of 15-20% may be expected.

It's important to note that some restaurants include a service charge in the bill. In such cases, additional tipping is not necessary, but a small extra tip is always appreciated for exceptional service. Always check your bill to avoid double tipping.

Remember, tipping is a personal choice and should reflect your satisfaction with the service provided. If the service was not up to par, it's perfectly acceptable to tip less or not at all.

Tipping in Taxis

Tipping taxi drivers in Agadir is not mandatory, but it is a common practice. Usually, passengers round up the fare to the nearest 5 or 10 Moroccan Dirhams. For example, if your fare is 17 Dirhams, you might round it up to 20 Dirhams.

If the taxi driver has been particularly helpful, for instance, by helping with heavy luggage or providing a smooth and pleasant ride, you might choose to tip a little extra. However, there's no set rule, and the amount you tip is entirely up to you.

When using a taxi, it's also a good idea to agree on the fare before starting the journey to avoid any misunderstandings later. You can find some more helpful tips when flying and travelling on our blog.

Tipping in Hotels

When staying in a hotel in Agadir, there are several people you might consider tipping. For instance, it's customary to tip bellboys around 10-20 Dirhams for carrying your luggage to your room. Housekeeping staff also appreciate a small tip of around 10 Dirhams per day.

If you're using the services of a concierge, a tip of 20-50 Dirhams is appropriate, depending on the complexity of your request. For example, if they've helped you book a difficult reservation or arranged a special surprise for a loved one, a larger tip would be appropriate.

Remember, these are just guidelines, and tipping should always be based on the quality of service you receive. If you're unsure, it's always better to ask. You can also check out some Travel Essentials Reviews on our blog for more tips.

Tipping on Tours

If you're taking a guided tour in Agadir, it's customary to tip your guide at the end of the tour. The amount you tip can depend on the length and complexity of the tour, as well as the quality of the guide's service. As a general rule, a tip of around 10-15% of the cost of the tour is considered appropriate.

For longer tours or tours that include meals or other services, you might consider tipping more. If your tour guide has gone above and beyond to make your experience memorable, showing your appreciation with a generous tip is a nice gesture.

It's also customary to tip drivers on tours. A tip of around 10 Dirhams per person is considered appropriate. Remember, these are just guidelines, and the amount you tip should reflect your satisfaction with the service provided.

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Common Misconceptions

One common misconception about tipping in Agadir, and Morocco in general, is that it's not necessary or expected. While it's true that tipping is not as deeply ingrained in the culture as it is in some other countries, it is still a common practice, especially in the service industry.

Another misconception is that if a service charge is included in the bill, no further tip is expected. While it's true that a service charge does go towards the staff, an additional small tip is always appreciated for good service.

Finally, some people believe that tipping is only for tourists and that locals don't tip. This is not true. While tourists may tip more frequently due to unfamiliarity with the local customs, many locals also tip for good service.

Key Takeaways

Tipping in Agadir, like in many other places, is a way to show appreciation for good service. While it's not mandatory, it's a common practice in the service industry. The amount you tip should reflect the quality of service you receive.

Whether you're dining at a restaurant, taking a taxi, staying at a hotel, or going on a tour, a tip of around 10% is a good starting point. However, for exceptional service, a larger tip is always appreciated.

Remember, these are just guidelines, and tipping is a personal choice. Always feel free to tip in a way that feels comfortable to you and reflects your satisfaction with the service provided.


Understanding the tipping etiquette in Agadir can help make your travel experience smoother and more enjoyable. By knowing when and how much to tip, you can show your appreciation for good service and contribute to the local economy.

Remember, tipping is a personal choice and should reflect your satisfaction with the service. If you're ever unsure, don't hesitate to ask. Most people will appreciate your effort to understand and respect their customs.

So, the next time you travel to Agadir, keep these tipping guidelines in mind. They will not only help you navigate the local customs but also enhance your overall travel experience. Safe travels!

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